Year: 2021 | Month: June | Volume 14 | Issue 2
Identification of Donors and Molecular Characterization of Corynespora cassiicola Causing Fungal Leaf Spot of Mungbean and Urdbean
Sushmita V.T.
Meenakshi Arya
P.P. Jambhulkar
Manjunath L.
Anshuman Singh
S.K. Chaturvedi
In the wake of changing climatic scenario, dimnishing natural resources and growing food demands, the availability of germplasm capable to withstand biotic and abiotic pressures is crucial to ensure sustainability in agriculture system. Among the biotic stresses, fungal leaf spot disease cause significant yield reduction in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and urdbean (Vigna mungo L.), which are predominently grown in India and many parts of South and Southeast Asia. The present investigation was designed to identify resistant donors against the fungal leaf spot in mungbean (200) and urdbean (100) accessions by phenotyping under natural field conditions during kharif 2019. Though none of the 200 mungbean lines were found resistant to fungal leaf spot, 8 lines displayed moderate resistance. Likewise, out of 100urd bean accessions three germplasm lines unveiled resistance and 6 moderate resistance against the disease leaving others suceptible to highly sucepetible. The DNA of pathogen causing fungal leaf spot were isolated (Jhansi isolate) from the fungal mycelium and infected plants, respectively for molecular characterization and it was amplified using published primers for ITS and β-tubulin region for sequencing. A phylogenetic analysis of ITS sequence of the Jhansi isolates along with the reference sequences from NCBI, GenBank revealed maximum identity (98.53 per cent) of isolate with Corynespora cassiicola of cowpea reported from Ghana. Further β-tubulin sequence also showed 88.55 per cent similarity with C. cassiicola isolate from China. This was further confirmed by leaf sensitivity test against crude fungal toxin cassicoin secreted by C. cassiicola.
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- Molecular characterization of Corynespora cassiicola infecting mungbean and urdbean in India.
- Identified few mungbean and urdbean germplasm lines resistant against leaf spot induced by Corynespora.
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