Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume 17 | Issue 3

Optimization of Fruit Growth and Developments of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. L-49 Using Fertilizer & Bioinoculants

Ram Kumar Rai Shailendra Kumar Pandey Chandra Shekhar Pandey Rajendra Kumar Samaiya Amit Kumar Upadhyay


A field experiment was carried out during the year 2022-23 & 2023-24 at Fruit Research Station Imaliya, Department of Horticulture, Jawaharlal Nehru Agriculture University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh to find out the effect of Nutrients and Bioinoculants on fruit growth, development and yield of guava. During both year of experimentation, the pooled data revealed that the treatment combinations T9 (100% RDF + Biofertisol 200 ml) recorded maximum number of fruits (107.03), fruit length (7.30 cm) and fruit width
(7.47 cm), fruit weight (246.36 g), fruit volume (206.35 ml) and yield (26.37 kg). The minimum number of fruits (92.97), fruit weight (203.33 g), fruit volume (175.74ml), fruit length (6.57 cm), fruit width (6.76 cm) and yield/plant (18.91 kg) were found in control (T1).

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  • India reigns supreme as the world’s largest guava producer, contributing an impressive 45% to global production, with Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh leading the charge as the top two guavaproducing states. Nutrients and Bioinoculants can improve vegetative growth, which can lead to higher fruit growth and development. For example, a combination of fertilizers and Bioinoculants – Bactobooster, Biofertisol can increase fruit yield, fruit length, diameter, weight, and volume.

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