Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume 17 | Issue 3

Non-Invasive Electro Photon Image (EPI) Analysis to Detect Seasonal Variation in Leaf Growth of Commiphora wightii

Jagdishchandra K. Monpara Kiran S. Chudasama Manish L. Vekaria Virendra J. Patel Vrinda S. Thaker


The objective of the present study was to evaluate seasonal variation changes in leaf growth using the electrophoton image (EPI) analysis technique. This technique is based on electromagnetic energy in unique patterns generated by the object in the given conditions. In the present work, different ages of fix size leaves of Commiphora wightii were collected, and measured the fresh and dry weight, water content, and leaf area for throughout the year. Further, all leaves were evaluated with the EPI technique. All
gravimetric parameters fluctuate with seasonal changes with all physiological ages of the leaf. The EPI parameters like GDV area, average intensity, length of isoline, energy and entropy by isoline, etc., were measured using its software. The EPI parameter was given a highly significant correlation with fresh and dry weight, and water content. The GDV area, length of isoline, and energy characterize the metabolic status of the leaf. The entropy by isoline can serve as an informative characteristic of the state of a plant
leaf, which can be used to assess its physiological state in its environment. This technique is user-friendly, non-invasive rapid, and accurate. It can be used in agriculture and others field for the various applications.

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  • EPI analysis is very fast and non-invasive technique.
  • Study the seasonal change effect on leaves using the electrophoton image technique.

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