Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume 17 | Issue 3

Differential Seed Germination Responses of Ashwagandha Seed Collected at Different Time Period

A.S. Thounaojam S.J. Macwan


Ashwagandha, a medicinal plant, seed are matured at different level and its moisture contents are differed at various harvesting time. Resulting poor seed germination and have inferior seed quality. The present investigation was framed to enhance seed quality with higher seed germination of freshly harvested seed without any treatments in natural condition by evaluating the best harvesting time of
seeds. Seed collection was start from January and ended in April; fresh and dry weight of 1000 seed with its moisture content at the time of harvest was differed. A significant result was showed in terms of seed germination percentage and other seed quality parameters recorded at the time of seed germination. Maximum seed germination rate of freshly harvested seed was observed in those seed harvested in 10th March (56.48%) with significantly higher root length (0.73 cm), germination energy (3.08), germination
index (0.90), vigour index I (185.88) and II (18.35) with minimum days to germination completion (18.33 days). Therefore, seed harvested during the month of March to April showed better seed quality as compared to January and February month.

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  • Ashwagandha seed are matured at different time period.
  • Matured harvested seed contents different level of moisture and dry weight.

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