Year: 2013 | Month: December | Volume 6 | Issue 4

Yield and Yield Attributes of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) as Influenced by Organic Practices in Semi Arid Region

DOI:Coming soon...

Abstract: <div>Field experiments were conducted during three consecutive kharif seasons of research farm of Rajasthan Agricultural Research Institute, Durgapura, Jaipur to study the effect of organic practices on the yield and yield attributes of groundnut in semi arid region with the treatments comprised of T1-Farmer’s practices, T2- 7.5 t FYM +PSB+ PSM+ Bio-Pesticides, T3- T2 + Seed</div><div>treatment with PSB+ PSM+ Bio-pesticides, T4 – T3 + Foliar spray of pseudo-monas, T5 – T3 + Foliar spray of NSKE @ 5 %, T6 - T3 + Foliar spray of Panchagavya and T7-Absolute control, T8-100% RDF (15kg N+ 60 kg 2O5/ha). The results revealed that in treatment T5, application of farmyard manure (FYM) (7.5 t/ha) inoculated with microbes (bio fertilizers+bio-pesticides) 15 days before sowing (heapit) and seed treatment with bio fertilizers+bio-pesticides at the time of sowing gave significantly higher pod yield (2750 kg/ha) over absolute control (2151 kg/ha) and FYM without inoculated with microbes but at par with other treatments.</div><div>The same trend was also observed in B:C Ratio (3.66) with treatment T5 (T3 + Foliar spray of NSKE @ 5 %). The study indicated that the groundnut showed greater response to the application of organic practices (i.e., organic farming) under semi arid region.</div>

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