Year: 2017 | Month: August | Volume 10 | Issue 4
Stability Performance of Bread Wheat Genotype for Grain Yield, Zinc and Iron Concentrations
The primary aim of plant breeding is to improve stability in yield and to obtain varieties with good quality. For this reason, a study of wheat genotypes was conducted at three different locations: Bathinda, Gurdaspur and Ludhiana during 2015-16 in Punjab (India). Grain yield and its components with quality traits were assessed in 21 wheat genotypes with 3 checks using analysis of variance and regression analysis. The combined analysis of variance for environment (E), genotype (G) and (G×E) interaction was highly significant for all studied traits, suggesting differential responses of the genotypes and the need to stability analysis. Results revealed that high yielding genotypes can also be stable. The check HD 3086 and PBW 725 and genotypes BWL 6003, BWL 6065, BWL 6066, BWL 6068 and BWL 6069 for grain yield/plot had desired performance in term of high mean, unit regression coefficient (bi) and least deviation from regression (S2d), indicating the role of linear portion of GxE interaction and average stability in the performance of these genotype. The value of regression coefficient (bi) of genotypes BWL 6008, BWL 6011 and checks HD 3086, PBW 725 for grain Fe concentration; genotypes BWL 6006, BWL 6007, BWL 6013 and BWL 6062 for grain Zn concentration were have high mean, unit regression coefficient (bi) and least deviation from regression (S2d), indicating that these genotypes were considered specially adopted to unfavorable environments
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