The Journal is an international peer-reviewed publication focused to disseminate theoretical or experimental novel information contributing to the understanding and development of agriculture, environment, and biotechnology. The Journal recognizes the multidisciplinary nature of its scope and encourages graduate students, scientists, research scholars and government and non-government organizations employees the submission of research material from all of the disciplines involved in agriculture, environment and biotechnology. Contributions are welcomed in relation to the study of particular components of the agriculture (e.g., plant and animal), environment (i.e., soil, water, meteorological and climate) as well as biotechnology (e.g., crop and animal biotechnology) resulting interactions and their relationship/impact on society and environment at a local, regional or international level. Agriculture and environment interactions from the perspective of sustainable development and natural resources management studies are also welcomed. The journal is also focused to enhance the communication between the science community and biotechnological aspects for the well of human being.

The scopes of the journal include, but are not limited to, the following fields: 

  • Agronomy
  • Soil science
  • Microbiology
  • Genetics & Plant breeding
  • Horticulture
  • Plant Pathology
  • Entomology
  • Agricultural biotechnology
  • Environmental sciences
  • Agricultural engineering
  • Food Science
  • Waste management
  • Animal husbandry and Dairying
  • Agricultural statistics

International Journal of Agriculture Environment & Biotechnology(IJAEB)| In Association with AAEB

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